I don't know

So, my name is Kevin, and a few months ago, I started getting these weird letters from this guy. He claimed to have met me once, but I don't remember. There isn't a return address, or any other information, so I figured I would post it here.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

December 2, 2009

December 2, 2009

Dear Kevin,

I finally saw what the rag is. Jerry didn't see me, when he was asleep. It's a piece of Dave's shirt. I was shocked to see that, and it had some writing on it. It looks like Dave took a crayon and wrote "ts not rea." I couldn't read the rest, it looks like it had gotten wiped off or something.

I don't know what it means yet. I wonder how much I couldn't see. Was it a big message, or something small? What's "rea?" I don't know, and Jerry still refuses to tell me what is going on. But I am starting to get a weird feeling about all this. Jerry doesn't do anything besides hold onto that piece of shirt, and he doesn't listen to the Doctors. When they came in the other day, he got really scared and didn't want them to touch him.

So, on the good side, Blaine is now playing Monopoly with me. He says I cheat, but that's not true. We only played one game, and he isn't very good, but at least it's someone to play with.

Do you have any pets, Kevin? I used to have a dog named Pepper. He was a beautiful dog. I wish we could have pets here. Although, it's bad enough we can't even see the sun, I can't imagine how tough it would be for a dog. If you do have a dog, maybe I could play with it when I come and visit!


Your Friend

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

November 28, 2009

November 28, 2009

Dear Kevin,

I'm sorry I didn't wish you a happy Thanksgiving. I guess I forgot. I know I have a lot to be thankful for. I'm alive, the Doctors are taking good care of me, and I hope to be able to go home real soon. I'm sure you have a lot to be thankful for, too, Kevin. You seemed to have it all going for you when I saw you at the party. I hope this letters finds that is still happening, despite all the things that have happened.

So, I don't know what to do with Jerry. He hit me today. He punched me right in the nose. I didn't bleed, which is kinda weird. I'm a bleeder. That's something you didn't know about me, but apparently, I don't bleed anymore. Can you believe he hit me? He's never been violent before. It's because I kept wanting to see what he's staring at all the time. I got a small glimpse of it yesterday. It looks like a piece of clothing; like a rag or something. I don't know what the big deal is, but he won't let it go.

I haven't mentioned Blaine for awhile. He's doing good, I guess. He still hates that I write letters to you. I explained to him that you are cool, and that you don't mind, but he thinks it's stupid. I didn't tell him everything, but enough to where he knows that you won't just throw them out. You couldn't. He keeps talking about someone in his sleep. I guess it's his mom and dad, but they have weird names. I don't know, he's weird. Dave told me I was just like him when I came in for treatment, but I don't believe them. Maybe he'll come around. It would be nice to have someone to play Monopoly with again. I'm tired of losing to myself.

I wonder if it's cold where I live yet. Maybe they got snow for Thanksgiving! That would be amazing. It snowed for me, last Thanksgiving. I remember, I was standing outside, looking at the lights, and it just started snowing. It felt so magical. I bet it doesn't snow where you live, Kevin. I bet you are still enjoying the beach, am I right? I wish I was at the beach.

Thanks again for listening. Hopefully, next time I write, I will know what Jerry has been up to.


Your Friend

November 25, 2009

November 25, 2009
Dear Kevin;

Something is wrong with Jerry, Kevin. He used to be friendly, but something happened. He has something and he just stares at it all the time. I don't know what it is, but he looks scared now. I don't know why he is scared, or what it is he has that scares him.

Jerry doesn't even play Monopoly anymore. We played yesterday, and he landed on Boardwalk four times in a row, on the fifth, he freaked out, and threw the board on the ground and walked over to his bed and refused to talk to anyone. I'm really worried about him.

I've been thinking about Dave a lot. Jerry mentioned him yesterday. I said we should be happy he is cured. I want to be cured too, like Dave is. He never got a chance to say goodbye. The Doctors just walked him out one day and he was gone. Before he left, he talked to Jerry, and he told him something, but Jerry said I imagined it, just like I did the saucers. I got angry when he said that. I didn't imagine anything. Those saucers are real. I saw them every night for months before the incident, and no one imagines something every night, right?

I know you can't answer, Kevin. I am sure you are probably just living your life, and I don't even know if you are reading these, but I hope you are. I need you to hold onto these, because I think these will be important one day. One day, when we all know what really happend, the steps I took will look silly, but maybe others will be able to identify.


Your Friend

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

November 23, 2009

November 23, 2009

Dear Kevin;

I kinda told you a lot last time, and now, I'm kinda worried I said too much. Don't get me wrong, I trust you Kevin, you always seemed like a good guy, but lately Jerry has been acting really strange and I think something is going on. He used to be really friendly and outgoing and now he just stares into the corner. With him gone, it's getting really boring around here.

I wonder if they are reading my letters to you. I haven't said anything important yet. There are plenty of details I left out, and I didn't tell you about the most important part, or about the night I met you, or about the next week. I can't say what it is until I found out more, and what is going on with Jerry.

I will try to tell you more, but I need to know who is keeping tabs on me and what they are doing to Jerry.

Until then, be careful Kevin. They could be anywhere.


Your friend

Friday, July 23, 2010

November 21, 2009

November 21, 2009

Dear Kevin,

I had a love once. She was great. Her name was Clarissa and we were madly in love. Well, at least I was, I think she was too, but I am not as sure as I used to be. From the moment I saw her, I knew I loved her. She was standing there, waiting for a ride, and I thought she was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I remember looking really stupid, as I thanked God for this moment, and was speechless when she asked what I was doing. From that point on, I knew it was magical, every moment was amazing, everything we did, no matter how mundane was new, and original and the new greatest moment of my life.

That is until, my second experience with them. She decided to move on, and I was still coming to grips with what I saw, and how to deal with it, and she slipped away one night. It was the worst night of my life up to that point, because I actually knew the love of my life, and the woman that was truly the one woman I would spend the rest of my life with was leaving, and it was like I was stuck, I couldn't say anything, or do anything to stop her, I just watched as she left.

I don't think they had much to do with it. Sure it was a big event in my life, of global importance, actually, but what does that matter next to love? No, it is no excuse, and sadly, now, all I have are the problems they left behind, while she has moved on. Sure I could try to see what she is doing if I ever get out of here, but I might as well watch TV, because I would be on the outside looking in.

They took away our TV, here. I wish I could watch TV. I liked X-Files, they made me think what I saw wasn't quite as crazy. But now, with everything that has happened, maybe it's all a TV show, ya know? Maybe I'm just on the outside of it all, looking in, watching the show.

Thanks for listening Kevin.


Your friend

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

November 19, 2009

November 19, 2009

Dear Kevin;

Sorry it took so long to write to you, but just thinking about all that stuff got me really worked up. Maybe I'm not quite ready to tell you what happened after the first night, but hopefully soon. I appreciate you being there for me.

After Dave left, Jerry was really sad. We had each other, but the two of us felt really lonely at times. We never left our room. We just sat around, and played Checkers, and Chinese Checkers, and Monopoly all the time. I think Jerry cheats because he always got Boardwalk. Anyway, we got a new patient today. His name is Blain, and he seems really upset. Jerry said I was the same way when I came in. I don't remember coming in, I just remember waking up and Jerry was talking to Dave, and Dave acted like I had been there for days.

Blair says writing to you is really stupid, and that it doesn't matter. He says that no matter what, they will come back and take us away. I think he's wrong, writing the letters isn't stupid, it makes me feel better.

Hopefully, we can hang out when I get out of here, and we can look back on these letters and laugh. Thanks for listening, Kevin


Your Friend

Friday, July 2, 2010

November 16, 2009

November 16, 2009

Dear Kevin;

I am feeling better already, after writing these letters. Jerry said they will really help if I tell you what's on my mind, and what I'm worried about. I know you probably don't want to hear it, but you seemed like a guy who doesn't mind listening, so, I guess I can tell you.

They started as lights at first. I figured it was a helicopter or a plane. After the lights started doing funny things, I started to think that they weren't some helicopter or plane, but something else entirely. Finally, the lights started getting really close to the water, and really close to us. I think it was round in shape, and had lights coming off the top. And, just like that, they vanished. I couldn't tell if they went up or down, but they were gone. I wasn't imagining it, like so many people told me I was, and I still believe it happened, no matter what the doctors say.

It was the first contact I had with the saucers, and it was the most bizarre feeling. I can't explain the feeling, but it was so weird being so close to something I couldn't, and still can't explain. I don't know what they saw in me that night, but clearly they saw something that made them come back. Why me? I'm not special, you know that Kevin. So, why would they pick me? Why did they want to ruin my life? Or was it them trying to help me?

I dunno what it was, but, I can't talk about it. The doctors say it is working me up too much, so I'm going to go get my medication. Maybe after some rest, I will write to you again.

Thank you, Kevin. It's good to talk to someone about this.


Your friend.